move the decimal point two places to the left. For example, to turn 60% into a decimal, all you have to do is move the decimal, which is right after the zero (60.%), two places to the left to get 0.60
Move the decimal point two places to the left. It is the same as dividing by 100.
When converting a percent to a decimal you don't necessarily move the decimal point. It has nothing to do with it.
Because you are dividing by 100.
writing percents always depends on what you are taking the percent of. If you are trying to find the percent of 1.97 out of 100 then it is 1.97% If you have any two numbers and you want to know the percent, you divide the numbers and the answer will give you a decimal. You then take that decimal and move the decimal place over to spots to the right and that is your percent.
1. As a decimal value, write: .3 (with a horizontal line above the 3 or by writing (repeating)) 2. As a percentage, write: 33.3% or 33.3 percent (with a horizontal line above the 3 that is to the right of the decimal point or by writing (repeating))
Move the decimal point two places to the left.
A shortcut would be like 0.03. the '3' does not change so it's 3% since it's not over 100
Move the decimal point two places to the left. It is the same as dividing by 100.
When converting a percent to a decimal you don't necessarily move the decimal point. It has nothing to do with it.
You could call it writing a number in different forms.
Because you are dividing by 100.
Divide by 100
You move the decimal point over two places because a percent means per 100 so therefore you move the decimal point over to the hundredth place
writing percents always depends on what you are taking the percent of. If you are trying to find the percent of 1.97 out of 100 then it is 1.97% If you have any two numbers and you want to know the percent, you divide the numbers and the answer will give you a decimal. You then take that decimal and move the decimal place over to spots to the right and that is your percent.
You should state where the decimal point is in that number. The number 0025 is just another way of writing 25, unless you include a decimal. If you mean .0025, that is equal to a quarter of a percent.
29% of 33 = 9.57 = 29% * 33 = 29%/100% * 33 = 0.29 * 33 = 9.57