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Hypotenuse. It's very easy to look this up yourself and learn something about it, instead of having someone just give you the answer.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What is a side opposite the rihgt angkle in a right triangle?
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The left to the left to the rihgt to the right?


How did Irene nicolaides die?

She was walkling rihgt.. then she fell.

What is diff between testing and software testing?

Testing is making sure something works rihgt. Software testing is making sure software works right.

Is allways rihgt?

lolno. it's written by people on the internet.

Why nowadays people doesn't like sport?

Cuz you no spaek rihgt

How would you use the word afterword in a sentence?

I would be rihgt afterword you.

Which side of the road do you drive on in America and what side of the car is the steering wheel on?

rihgt side

Where is polynesia located?

East of Micronesia

What shape has 4 equal sides and 4 rihgt angles?

a square if it has 2 sets of equal sides, it is a rectangle.

How does a US Senator help their state?

the state senator help their state to decide what wars are suppose to be rihgt and not. to show what war is right and wrong.

What happened when they landed on the 5 beaches on d day?

the men that were landing on the beaches were shot rihgt when the door on the boat opened.

How many white tigers are still alive rihgt now?

None has been seen.....?for 50 years?? .........????WROTE IN : 2013?