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Q: What is a signed number to represent a change average?
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What is the largest positive signed decimal number that can be represented by 8-bits?

If the 8 bits represent a signed number, the range is usually -128 to +127. This is -27 to 27-1.

The temperature was 68 degrees above zero( in Fahrenheit) today write a signed number to represent the temperature?

signed number for +68 in F. It can represent by 8 bit . one bit for its sign (+_) and other 7 its binray form of 68. which is 01000100 .

What do pillars represent?

The pillars represent the consisitution, since they signed it they clearly represent it.

What number representation has the sign as the high order bit and the remaining bits represent the absolute value of the numeric value?

signed magnitude

Describe the range of numbers that can be represented by a 16 bit number using two complement?

A signed 16 bit number can represent the decimal numbers -32768 to 32767.

Why do you need signed and unsigned integer?

We need signed integers in order to represent both negative and positive values. However, some numbers can never be negative. For instance, the size of a file must always be greater than or equal to zero so we use unsigned integers to represent file sizes. Also, natural numbers must be greater than 0 so there's no point in using a signed value to represent a natural number. Signed integers also use one bit to denote the sign, but unsigned integers do not thus unsigned integers can effectively represent twice the range of positive values than an unsigned integer can. For instance, an 8-bit signed value can represent values in the range -128 to +127 using twos complement notation, but an 8-bit signed value can represent values in the range 0 to 255.

What is the highest decimal number that can be represent by 8 binary bits?

The highest unsigned integer is 255; The highest signed integer is 127.

Why did Kobe Bryant change his number to twenty four?

I thought it was because he has an Adidas shoe named KB8 So when Nike signed with him, they wanted him to change his number to anything else

What number is signed whole number?

Any number, other than zero can be a signed whole number.

Can a positive number have the same binary code as a negative number?

No and Yes... No because as such the two numbers are different and convention will define what the bit pattern should represent. However, with 16 bits, the UNSIGNED bit pattern for 32768 is the same as the SIGNED pattern for -32768 BUT the two numbers are being represented in different ways (ie in different number systems). If the binary representation is a SIGNED number then the top bit will be set if it is negative and with 16 bits the possible range of numbers is -32768 to +32767 and so it is IMPOSSIBLE to represent +32768. With an UNSIGNED number of 16 bits the top bit has no such special meaning and the range possible is 0 to +65535, so it is IMPOSSIBLE to represent -32768. ie it is IMPOSSIBLE with 16 bits to represent -32768 and +32768 in the same number system as they have the same bit pattern, BUT in different number systems the bit pattern can be used to represent the two numbers as the different number systems cannot represent BOTH -32678 and +32768.

Who did Benjamin Franklin represent when he wrote the decloration of independence?

he didnt write it. he only signed it.

What colony did george clymer represent?

Clymer represented Pennsylvania when he signed the Declaration of Independence.