To find a number to two significant figures or any amount of significant figures you look at one plus the amount of asked figures, in this case the third significant figure, and if it is 5 or greater increase the asked amount of significant figures by one. If it is 4 or less make no changes to your number. Finally report the calculated number with the asked amount of significant figures.
The least number of significant figures in any number of the problem determines the number of significant figures in the answer.
The sig fig is 5: in significant figures, the amount is 5 hundred million.
No, the one with the least.
29.1% if you want it to the right amount of significant figures
Tom stole a significant amount of money
To find a number to two significant figures or any amount of significant figures you look at one plus the amount of asked figures, in this case the third significant figure, and if it is 5 or greater increase the asked amount of significant figures by one. If it is 4 or less make no changes to your number. Finally report the calculated number with the asked amount of significant figures.
Yes, 6000 is generally considered a significant amount of money for most people.
Yes, 6k is generally considered a significant amount of money, as it represents 6,000.
Not a significant amount
Yes, 50,000 in student loans is generally considered a significant amount of debt for most individuals.
4 of them.
I'd rather go for "a significant amount OF MONEY on sth." It even gets more hits in Google.
Yes, receiving 4 units of blood is considered a significant amount in medical terms.
All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.All of it. Earth doesn't receive a significant amount of radiation through any other means.
Racial Profiling received a significant amount of media attention in the late 1990s.