Prisms come in many shapes and sizes but all prisms must have flat sides - no curved sides so a Pyramid having flat sides and no curves is a prism.
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That is utter rubbish.
Both pyramids and prisms are polyhedra. That means they are solid shapes bounded by plane faces. Neither of them can have curved faces.
A pyramid has one polygonal base and triangular faces that rise from the base and meet at an apex. A prism has two congruent parallel bases that are linked together by rectangular faces.
Both terms are generic: they do not specify the polygonal bases.
Pyramids only have square bases.Triangular prisms have triangle bases.Pyramids have triangle "faces".Triangular prisms have rectangular "faces".
Measure any two corresponding edges. The ratio of these edges is the similarity ratio.
Some hexahedra are prisms or pyramids.
Pyramids end in one vertex and prisms end in multiple vertices. E.g. Rectangular Prisms are like cubes( multiple vertices) and pyramids are like cones (one vertex).
Pyramids Have only one base, Prisms have two bases/sides that are opposite and exactly the same.
Both pyramids and prisms are three dimensional. Both of them have polygon faces. Another thing common about pyramids and prisms is that they have a base and faces.
Similarity: both of them are solid. Difference: prisms have planes that are parallel to each other whereas pyramids does not have planes which are parallel to each other. XDXD
the difference between a pyramid and prism (in geometry) is that a pyramid has one base and lateral faces that are triangles where prisms have two congruent bases and lateral faces that are parallelograms
Pyramids only have square bases.Triangular prisms have triangle bases.Pyramids have triangle "faces".Triangular prisms have rectangular "faces".
pyramids are prisms. * * * * * Pyramids are not prisms nor are prisms pyramids. A pyramid has one polygonal base. Each side of that polygon is connected to a triangle, whose third vertices meet at a point above the base of the pyramid. A prism has two congruent polygonal bases that are parallel to one another. They are joined together by rectangles.
They both ave a wide base and come to a point.
Some hexahedra are prisms or pyramids.
Measure any two corresponding edges. The ratio of these edges is the similarity ratio.
Pyramids end in one vertex and prisms end in multiple vertices. E.g. Rectangular Prisms are like cubes( multiple vertices) and pyramids are like cones (one vertex).
they are the same because, they both have rectangular bases. Rectangular prisms are rectangular from the top and bottom (they are flat) while a rectangular pyramid has a point on the top where all of the edges meet. A pyramid has a tip at the top which unables it to stand on the tip while prisms can anyways.
Pyramids Have only one base, Prisms have two bases/sides that are opposite and exactly the same.
They both have a rectangle at the bottom of the two prisms.