The rock-grey clouds that poured out ice-cold raindrops were as depressing as the upset little girl who stood under them, tears streaming down her eyes, so quickly that you couldn't distiguish the difference between them and the rain.
Here's three antonyms for the word "simile"; difference, dissimilarity, unlikeness
It's a simile.
No, it's a metaphor, with a more exotic sense than a simile. "She wanted to be like a blade of grass amid the fields" is a simile.
Each of the two
something that makes sense to you
This simile is an example of personification because attributing sadness to a dog is anthropomorphism.
it meen they are deep and meeningful! it could also be aplyed to someone sad and thoughtfull!
Smiley for sad is as below:D:< D: D8 D; D= DX v.v D-': >:[ :-( :( :-c :c :-< :っC :< :-[ :[ :{
A simile.
A metaphor
It is a simile.
As quick as a wink is a simile. ----
simile It is an example of a simile (uses like or as). A simile in itself though is a type of metaphor.
that man
It is a similie as you are comparing (something) to how sly the fox is. A similie uses the words "like or "as".