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A circle

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Q: What is a simple closed curved similar to an oval shape called?
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What is a simple closed curved similar to a oval shape?

An ellipse is the proper name for an oval shape, however, a circle is a closed curved shape similar to an oval shape.

What is a simple closed curved similaer to an oval shape beginning with the letter e?

One such word is ellipse.

What is a simple closed curve similar to an oval?


What fracture is called a closed fracture?

A simple fracture in which the bone does not penetrate the skin.

What is Difference between simple curve and simple closed curve?

simple curve is a curve which doesnot cross itself,it neednot be closed....... but a simple closed curve is a curve which is simple and also closed. every simple closed curve is a simple curve but not vice versa.

What is a simple closed figure formed by three or more segments called?

A simple closed figure formed by three or more segments is called a polygon. Regardless of how many sides a polygon has, all polygons will have as many vertices as it has sides.

What is A simple closed figure formed by three or more line segments is called?

A triangle.

Sum total of the lengths of all the line segments of a simple closed figure is called its?

It is called its perimeter.

What is the term for an open fracture?

A closed fracture may also be referred to as a simple fracture. An open fracture is also called a compound fracture.

What is a fracture that has no opening of the skin called?

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How can fractures be classified?

include simple, compound, incomplete and complete. Simple fractures (more recently called "closed") are not obvious as the skin has not been ruptured and remains intact

Closed curve that is not simple?
