An integer and a whole number are the same, by definition.
Yes, prime numbers are whole numbers, by definition.
Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. A whole number is a number with no decimals.
A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.
it is the whole number in a power
Zero is a whole number.
An integer and a whole number are the same, by definition.
Simple whole number ratio implies that ratio of the elements in a compound is a whole number i.e. the ratio of elements bear whole number. For example in Cu2O, Cu and O combine in a simple whole number ratio of 2:1.
a number by which another number is to be divided.
An odd number
Yes, prime numbers are whole numbers, by definition.
Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction. A whole number is a number with no decimals.
A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.
It is a mixed number
Are you referring to the definition to be simple or the definition of "simple predicate"? Anyway, I'm thinking that you mean the former. A simple predicate is the word that shows what is happening. In the before sentence, is is the simple predicate. "is the word that shows what is happening" is the whole predicate. A verb will not always be the simple predicate, and simple predicates will not always be 1 word.
A whole number following immediately after another whole number, like 3 follows 2.
it is the whole number in a power