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you find the hard equation and simplify it....

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Q: What is a simple equation for the trajectory of catapults?
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What is the formula for catapults trajectory?

You go and look up the equation and it should be there

How do catapults demonstrate science?

Catapults demonstrate principles of physics, such as projectile motion and potential energy conversion to kinetic energy. They illustrate concepts like force, acceleration, and trajectory through the mechanics of launching objects over a distance. Additionally, catapults highlight the importance of factors like angle of release and mass of the projectile in determining its flight path.

What is a catapults trajectory?

A catapult's trajectory refers to the path followed by the projectile launched by the catapult. It is typically parabolic in shape, with the highest point of the trajectory known as the apex. The trajectory is influenced by factors such as the launch angle, initial velocity, and gravitational pull.

Jet as an application of Bernoulli's equation?

determine the equation for trajectory with ahead of 7.0m and velocity cofficient of .95

What c values are permitted in the trajectory equation?

The answer will depend on what quantity is being measured by c.

What is the equation for trajectory?

Its an equation used to find the 2D motion of a projectile; y=xtan*0-gx2/2u2cos2* where * represents an angle b/w them

How does the concept of force and simple levers how does this relate to catapults?

The concept of force in simple levers is used in catapults to launch projectiles with greater speed and force. By using the lever principle, a small force applied over a long distance (arm of the catapult) can create a large force over a short distance to launch the projectile. This allows catapults to hurl objects over great distances.

How does gravity affect catapults?

Gravity affects catapults by pulling the projectile downward once it is launched, influencing its trajectory and distance. The force of gravity must be considered when designing a catapult to ensure that the projectile reaches its intended target. Additionally, the angle and force of the catapult must be adjusted to account for the gravitational pull on the projectile.

Who were catapults used by?

The Catapults were used by the medieval Greeks and Romans.

Did the army of ancient Sparta have catapults?

yes they use catapults

When were catapults used?

Some catapults were used in the middle ages to try and get into Medieval Castles. The Romans had catapults. I had a hand catapult when I was a youngster.

What did the ancient Greeks use catapults for?

they used these catapults for war and destruction!