A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.
no 0.0008 is 0.0005 more than 0.0003 .00030 = 0.00030 = 0.0003
A simple fraction represents a part of the whole.
85 into a fraction = 85/1
0.008 is equivalent to 8/1000, which can be reduced to 1/125.
A simple fraction is a fraction that is a whole number divided by a whole number. Complex fractions can have fractions inside of fractions.
To express 1.75 as a fraction in simplest form, we first note that 1.75 can be written as 1.75/1. To simplify this fraction, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator by 100 to get rid of the decimal point, resulting in 175/100. Finally, we can further simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by 25 to get 7/4. Therefore, 1.75 as a fraction in simplest form is 7/4.
no 0.0008 is 0.0005 more than 0.0003 .00030 = 0.00030 = 0.0003
50 is an integer, not a fraction.
A simple fraction represents a part of the whole.
85 into a fraction = 85/1
how do you write o.13 as a fraction in simple form , it is simple the answer is 13/99
-.41 as a fraction is -41/100
90 is an integer, not a fraction.
0.4 as a simply fraction is 2/5