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Q: What is a single ruler known as?
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Who is the Hinduism's ruler?

there is no single founder of hinduism.

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What is countries with one ruler called?

If the ruler is a dictator, it is known as a dictatorship.

Which countries became unified under a single ruler or government during the 1100s and 1200s?

Engand & France were becoming nations unified under a single ruler.

Hitler was what kind of ruler?

Hitler is a dictator- a single ruler with absolute power on the country over which he rules.

What is a single ruler with complete authority?

Despot. Monarch.

Who was known as the powerful ruler of Magadha?

Bimbisara,the ruler of magadh

Who is the primary ruler of south america?

There is no single ruler, South America is a continent containing a number of independent countries

Who was the ruler in the late 1700s for the Jewish?

No one. The Jews have had no one single ruler since the year 70 CE.

What is the ruler called in south America?

There is no single ruler of south America. It is a continent like Asia or North America

What kind of a ruler was Hammurabi?

King Hammurabi was also known as a warrior as well as a ruler...

Who believed Roman Empire was to large for a single ruler?
