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When you are seeing how many of the Pizza has been eaten.

I'm serious by the way

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Q: What is a situation in which you would use a fraction to express a number less than one?
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What is a situation in which you would use fractions to express a number less than 1?

Use fraction to express a number less than one

How do you epress a number as a fraction of another number?

you use the number you want to express as the fraction as the numerator and the other number is the denominator. an example is, "express 1 as a fraction of 4" you would write it as 1/4

How can you express a ratio as a fraction?

Usually you would put the first number in the ratio into the fraction's numerator (top part), and the second number into the fraction's denominator (bottom part).

In what situation would you use fractions to express a number less than one?

What is one situation you would use fractionsto espress a number less than one?

How do you add and subtract frations with a whole number with a fraction?

Express the mixed fraction as an improper fraction and then proceed as you would with ordinary fractions. If the answer is an improper fraction, then remember to convert to a mixed fraction.

How would you change 812 into an improper fraction?

812 is an integer and not a fraction. There is no sensible way to express it as a fraction.

How would you express .005 as a fraction?

0.005 = 1/200 as a fraction in its simplest terms

What are different ways to show the number 25?

the fraction 25/1 or any fraction equal to that, such as 50/2 25 cannot be expressed as a decimal because it is a whole number; to express it as a decimal would basically be 25.0

What is a situation in which you would use fractions to express a number less than one What is a situation in which decimals seem to work better?

The fraction 1/3=0.3333333... In this case it is better to use fractions just like in all cases. There will be no case when decimals will work better than fractions however, if a test says to use decimals; USE THEM!

How would you express 3.50 as a fraction?

As an improper fraction in its simplest form 3.50 or 3.5 is 7/2

How would you express 78 percent percent as a fraction?


Is 4 not a rational number?

4 is a rational number. Any number is rational as long as it can be put into a fraction or ratio. In other words, 4 is a rational number because if you want to express 4 as a fraction, you would just put it over 1; 4 is the numerator, and 1 is the denominator in this case.