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A cross section, I believe

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Q: What is a slice of a circle graph called?
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What is a six letter word for a slice or section of a circle graph?


Can you display data from a circle graph on to a bar graph?

Yes you can. First, determine the percentage of the whole is represented by each slice of your circle (or pie) chart. Then make a bar for each slice that is the same percentage of the height of you bar graph. If you graph represents absolute number out of a total, the same principle applies.

A region of a circle called a pie slice?

A region of a circle called a pie slice is also called a sector. The sector is one of the main slices of a circle, the other is called a segment.

How will the circle graph change as the sun ages?

As the Sun ages, it will gradually increase in size, brightness, and temperature. This will cause the circle graph representing the Sun to shift towards the higher end of the scale in terms of luminosity and temperature, while the size of the circle may increase slightly. Eventually, the Sun will exhaust its nuclear fuel and evolve into a red giant, causing significant changes in the circle graph.

A graph that shows information as parts of a circle is called what?

A graph that shows information as parts of a circle is called a pie chart.

What is one eighth of a circle called?

A slice (Pie) Octant

A region of a circle often called a pie slice?

Is also called a segment.

What is A graph that is part of a circle?

CiRcLe GrApH!

What type of graph is a graph that is a circle?

A Pie Chart or Circle Graph

What is a type of graph is expressed in a circle?

This could be called a "Circle Graph" or a "Pie Chart". They are most commonly used for displaying percentages and other statistics.

Scentific definition of a circle graph?

circle graph= a graph that represents data using sections of a circle. The sum of the percents in a circle graph is 100o/o

What is A graph which uses sectors of a circle to illustrate data is called?

It is called a 'pie chart'