The word 'orange' has 2 syllables. O-range.
There are a couple, but not a huge amount of different definitions for the word orange. Orange can mean the color "Orange", or it can mean the citrus fruit orange.
In the King James version the word - orange - does not appear at all It may appear in other versions/translations
Mandarin i think.
carassius auratus auratus :-) aka guldfisk
The word puny means "small and weak", so yes, if a small man is also weak, you could call him puny.
Poor Man's Orange was created in 1949.
the size of a orange
The Arabic word for orange is "burtokal". This means orange as a color. And orange as a fruit. Either of those could work on the word.
The Latin word for orange is aranjia.
The Latin word for orange is aranjia.
The western Apache word for a man is nde, the Jicarilla equivalent is tinde. Western Apache for small is alchise, Jicarilla unstseste.So in a literal sense "small man" in western Apache would be alchisende, in Jicarilla it would be unstsestetinde. In reality the Apaches would simply use the word for "small" on its own, without adding the word for "man" at the end.