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Q: What is a solid figure in which every face is a square in every edge is the same?
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A solid figure in which every face is a square and every edge is the same length?


What is a vertix in a solid figure?

An edge of a 3 dimensional figure

What is the edge on a solid figure?

The edge is a line - straight or curved - where two faces of the solid meet.

What solid figure has a edge and can roll?

a cone

The line segment where two faces of a solid figure meet?

Edge. (:

What is it called where two of a solid figure meet?

an edge

What is where two faces of a solid figure meet?

an edge.

Where two or more faces of a solid figure meet?


What segment is formed when two faces of a solid figure meet?

An edge.

Where 2 faces of a solid figure meet that has 4 letters?


What is it called where two faces of a solid figure meet?

vertex vertex

What solid figure has 2 faces 1 vertex and 1 edge?

A cone