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Microsoft Exel will complete all those functions and more. Available in the Microsoft Office package. I think they still offer a trial download for free to allow you to try it out.

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Q: What is a spreadsheet program that allows you to organize data complete calculations graph data and publish data?
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What is a powerful spreadsheet program that allow users to organize data complete calculations make decisions graph data develop professional looking reports publish organized data on the web?

Access Work Area

Another way to organize information using the data in a spreadsheet program?

Table or chart

What are the uses of excel?

Exel is a spreadsheet program that enables you to enter formulas and data into the cells in order to organize information.

What is a program that allows a user to enter rows and columns of numbers into main memory and to perform calculations on the numbers that have been entered?

The program is a Spreadsheet. eg Microsoft Excel

What is an advertisement for a spreadsheet program?

An advertisement for a spreadsheet program would tell about spreadsheets. The ad might talk about how quickly spreadsheets can help you organize data and calculate numbers. It also would list many of the benefits of using spreadsheets.

What type of program will be the best to organize information about last year's sales if you want to calculate how much revenue was generated and compare it to sales data from previous years?

A spreadsheet would be the best for doing it, particularly for doing all the calculations. You could also use a database though.

What is spreadsheet software?

A spreadsheet software is a program or application that is used to organize, analyze and store information in a digital worksheet. This type of application is commonly used in financial computations and documentations.

A spreadsheet program is an example of what?

Spreadsheet programs are an example ofSpreadsheetsProgramsDepending on the context, they may examples of other things as well.Spreadsheets programs are programs that organize and analyze data.

Why calculate a square root cannot be done in Microsoft word?

Microsoft Word is not a spreadsheet program. It can do some very simple calculations, but if you want to do some more involved calculations, use Excel instead.

Kendra needs to organize information about last year's sales. She wants to calculate how much revenue was generated and compare it to sales data from previous years. Which type of program will be the?

Spreadsheet program APEX

What is the Primary benefit of a spreadsheet program?

A spreadsheet program is a great way to organize multiple layers of information all in one place. It can track expenses or personnel as well as anything else you need to keep track of. At one quick glance, you have your data laid out before you.

Which software to use to manage calculations and create grahps?

A spreadsheet is the main type of software that will do this. It can be done with others, most notably a database.