A square is also
-- a quadrilateral
-- a parallelogram
-- a rhombus
-- a rectangle
A rhombus
FALSE a square is a rhombus but a rhombus is not a square
A rhombus is the only shape besides a square that can have equal sides.
Rhombus Not a SquareIn a square, the sides are perpendicular. In a rhombus, they aren't. A rhombus is never a square.
Yes, a square is a rhombus, but a rhombus is not a square. Yes, a rhombus has four sides of equal length. A square is a rhombus with four right angles.
A rhombus
Every square, rectangle, and rhombus is also a parallelogram.
A square is always a rhombus, but a rhombus is notalways a square.
A square is always a rhombus, but a rhombus is notalways a square.
a rectangle A parallelogram, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, and kite.
no a square is not a rhombus
no a square is not a rhombus
FALSE a square is a rhombus but a rhombus is not a square
A rhombus is the only shape besides a square that can have equal sides.
Rhombus Not a SquareIn a square, the sides are perpendicular. In a rhombus, they aren't. A rhombus is never a square.
A rhombus that is not a square is a rhombus. A square is a special type of rhombus that has all four angles equal (to 90°).
Yes, a square is a rhombus, but a rhombus is not a square. Yes, a rhombus has four sides of equal length. A square is a rhombus with four right angles.