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Q: What is a square number and cube number between 50 and 100?
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What are the two numbers between 1 and 100 that are both a square and cube number?

1 and 64

Which number is less than 100 and is a square number and a cube number?


Is 100 a square number?

yes,100 is a square number because if it doesn't like add like go into a cube number its obviously gonna be square number. And also 10 multiplied by 10 actually equals 100 so yea

Less than 100 which are both a square number and a cube number?

0, 1 and 64

What is a number that is a square and a cube one number that is both?

1000000, 100^3=1000000, and 1000^2=1000000

What are the first 10 cube and square numbers?

Square: 1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,and 100 cube: sorry?!?

What is the cube of ten?

The square of 10 is 100. The cube of 10 is 1000.

Cube numbers between 100 and 300?

Perfect Square between roman numbers 100 to 300 are: 100, 121, 144, 169, 196, 225, 256, 289.

What number is less than100 and is both a square and a cube number?

For a number to be both a square and a cube, it would have to be a sixth power. There are three sixth powers less than 100: 0^6 = 0, 1^6 = 1 and 2^6 = 64.

What the differences between two square number is 19 what are the two number square?

81 and 100

what are th cube numbers between 50 and 100?

Cube numbers are numbers that can be expressed as the cube (third power) of an integer. To find the cube numbers between 50 and 100, you can calculate the cubes of integers from 4 to 5. The cube of 4 is 4^3 = 4 x 4 x 4 = 64. The cube of 5 is 5^3 = 5 x 5 x 5 = 125. So, the cube numbers between 50 and 100 are 64 and 125. However, since 125 is greater than 100, it is not within the specified range. Therefore, the only cube number between 50 and 100 is 64.

What is the probability that if you roll a number cube you will get a positive number?

100% or 100/100