9 045 000 in standard form is 9.045*106
654,700,000 is the standard notation.
If you meant to two thousand, the number would be 2050.67 . If you meant two fours and fifty, it would be 58.67 .
The standard form for a number is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the form a*10b where 1 <= |a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive). a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.
By what artistic standar must a building be measured?
24,504 is written as 2.4504 * 104 in standard form.
9 045 000 in standard form is 9.045*106
The standar
It is 6.199291*106
654,700,000 is the standard notation.
If you meant to two thousand, the number would be 2050.67 . If you meant two fours and fifty, it would be 58.67 .
The standard form for a number is a way of representing numbers, usually very large or very small, in the form a*10b where 1 <= |a| < 10 is a decimal number and b is an integer (negative or positive). a is called the mantissa and b is called the exponent.
Of course you can..If you slect the of standar view.
Late 1996
52 standard cards with 2 jokers.