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Standard Deviation

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Q: What is a statistical measurement that describes the variation of a data set called?
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What is megalencephaly?

Megalencephaly (also called macrencephaly) describes an enlarged brain whose weight exceeds the mean (the average weight for that age and sex) by at least 2.5 standard deviations (a statistical measure of variation).

How do you explain the analysis of variance assuming that your audience has not had a statistic class before?

The measurement of any statistical variable will vary from one observation to another. Some of this variation is systematic - due to variations in some other variable that "explains" these variations. There may be several such explanatory variables - acting in isolation or in conjunction with one another. Finally, there will be a residual variation which cannot be explained by any of these "explanatory" variables. The statistical technique called analysis of variance first calculates the total variation in the observations. The next step is to calculate what proportion of that variation can be "explained" by other variables, and finding the residual variation. A comparison of the explained variation with the residual variation is an indicator of whether or not the amount explained is statistically significant. The word "explain" is in quotes because there is not always a causal relationship. The causality may go in the opposite direction. Or the variables may be related to another variable that is not part of the analysis.

What is the statistical analysis of population trends called?

It is called demographics.

What statement about the relationship between statistical power and statistical probability is true?

They are both concepts of a branch of mathematics that is called statistics.

What is the set of input values called?

In a statistical context this is usually called a sample.

Related questions

What is megalencephaly?

Megalencephaly (also called macrencephaly) describes an enlarged brain whose weight exceeds the mean (the average weight for that age and sex) by at least 2.5 standard deviations (a statistical measure of variation).

Why do you sometimes repeat readings three times in science?

Performing a measurement or an experiment three-times is called a triplicate. Triplicate results make statistical analysis better and prevent the possibility of unusual results due to natural/artificial variation.

What system of measurement?

The worldwide system of measurement is called SI (short for Système international d'unités). It is a variation of the metric system.

How do you explain the analysis of variance assuming that your audience has not had a statistic class before?

The measurement of any statistical variable will vary from one observation to another. Some of this variation is systematic - due to variations in some other variable that "explains" these variations. There may be several such explanatory variables - acting in isolation or in conjunction with one another. Finally, there will be a residual variation which cannot be explained by any of these "explanatory" variables. The statistical technique called analysis of variance first calculates the total variation in the observations. The next step is to calculate what proportion of that variation can be "explained" by other variables, and finding the residual variation. A comparison of the explained variation with the residual variation is an indicator of whether or not the amount explained is statistically significant. The word "explain" is in quotes because there is not always a causal relationship. The causality may go in the opposite direction. Or the variables may be related to another variable that is not part of the analysis.

What is measure of variation?

A measure of variation, also called a measure of dispersion, is a type of measurement that details how a set of data is scattered from a central or neutral point of origin. Range, variance and standard deviation are three measures of variation that are commonly used.

What is a measurement that includes both speed and direction called?

A measurement that includes both speed and direction is called velocity. Velocity is a vector quantity that describes the rate at which an object changes its position, including the speed at which it moves and the direction in which it moves.

What is the statistical analysis of population trends called?

It is called demographics.

What measurement describes the distance between two consecutive wave crests?

The measurement describing the distance between two consecutive wave crests is called the wavelength. It is typically measured in meters or any other unit of length.

What is variation among members of the same species called?

Variation among members of the same species is called genetic diversity. This diversity arises from differences in genetic makeup, leading to variations in traits such as physical appearance, behavior, and susceptibility to diseases. Genetic diversity is important for a species' ability to adapt to changing environments and to evolve over time.

What is the statistical analysis of population trends?

It is called Demographics.

What is the set of input values called?

In a statistical context this is usually called a sample.

What statement about the relationship between statistical power and statistical probability is true?

They are both concepts of a branch of mathematics that is called statistics.