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A straight line assembly process is a manufacturing process in many factories. With the straight line the product moves along the assembly line from start to finish.

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Q: What is a straight line assembly process?
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What does assembly line mean?

An assembly line is a manufacturing process developed by Ford Motor Company

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An assembly line is a manufacturing process developed by Ford Motor Company

Where did Henry Ford invent the assembly line?

Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. He did however perfect that process in Detroit, Mich.

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The assembly line helped speed up the process of making goods. About 5 to 6 cars were made in one hour by an assembly line from a car factory.

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The most significant aspect of Henry Fordâ??s assembly line process was the fact that it shortened production. Prior to the assembly line workers worked in groups to build one car at a time.

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Salt production can be placed in the assembly line process spectrum due to its fixed applications.

What is shaft and coupling in the straight line assembly?

In a straight line assembly, the shaft is a rotating component that transmits power from one part of the assembly to another. It typically connects to a motor and allows for the transfer of rotational motion. A coupling is a device used to connect two shafts together at their ends to transmit power.

Henry Ford streamlined the manufacturing process by using the?

Assembly line

What process did Henry Ford develop?

The assembly line for the creation of cars.

Who invented the process of making an automobile through an assembly line?

Henry Ford

What is was the most significant aspect of Henry fords assemble line process?

The most significant aspect of Henry Fordâ??s assembly line process was the fact that it shortened production. Prior to the assembly line workers worked in groups to build one car at a time.

What typically results from the introduction of the assembly line into production process?

B. Efficiency is increased.