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A straight line from the center of a circle to the outer edge is called a radius.

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Q: What is a straight line from the centre to the edge of a circle called?
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What is the name of a straight line from the centre to the edge of a circle?

That's called the radius.

What is a straight line fom the centre of the circle to the edge?

It is the radius of a circle

What is the name for a straight from the centre to edge of a circle?


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the line from the centre to the edge of a circle is called?

What is the name straight line centre to edge of a circle?


What is the radius of circle?

The radius of a circle or sphere is a straight line from the centre to the edge.

Whats a radius in math?

The length of a straight line from the centre of a circle to the edge of the circle.

What is the center and edge of a circle called?

The centre of a circle is simply called the cnetre. The edge may called the perimeter, the circumference or the edge.

The distance from the edge of a circle to the edge going through the centre is called?

The diameter.

How do you find the center of a circle with the diameter of 5 meters?

The diameter of a circle is a straight line drawn from edge to edge passing through the centre. Therefore, the centre of the circle is half the diameter: 5/2=2.5 metres.

What is The distance across the circle is?

diameterA straight line between one point on a circle's edge and another is called a chord. A chord that goes through the centre is called the diameter.The disance across a circle is called a diameter, if you half that it will be called the raidus

What Half of the length of diameter of the circle is called?

The radius, from the centre of a circle to it's edge.