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Is a Tear that is straigh OBious

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Q: What is a straight tear?
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Why does paper tear easily straight but not across?

Due to the way paper is made, its fibers tend to run in one direction. If you tear in that direction, along the fibers, the paper tears easily, and the fibers guide the tear to be straight across. If you tear the paper across the fibers, all of the above is untrue.

What does medical term perforation mean?

A perforated is a hole or a tear. For instance a sheet of stamps is perforated with a line of holes so they tear apart in straight lines.

Why do not need to fold a paper to tear it along a straight line?

Yes this is true. You can also use scissors.

Does acl tear need surgery when you can walk on it?

The problem is that with an acl tear, you are able to walk in a straight line fairly easily; the anterior cruciate ligament is important in lateral, or side to side movement.

How can I effectively open a coffee bag?

To effectively open a coffee bag, locate the designated tear notch at the top of the bag. Hold the bag firmly and tear along the notch in a straight line. Be careful not to tear too forcefully to avoid spilling the coffee. Once the bag is open, reseal it tightly to maintain freshness.

What is a homograph for tear?

She shed tear after deid of his dog Don't tear my book!

What is tear in Latin?

Lacrima = tear, as in crying. Scindere = to tear, to rip.

How do i repair a tear on a vinyl sofa?

To repair a tear in a vinyl couch there are patch kits that can be purchased. After a tear has occurred try to minimize the tear by covering the tear with an adhesive or keep people away from the tear.

How do you spell tear apart?

That is the correct spelling of "tear apart" (rip into pieces).The verb "tear" has a homophone "tare" (the weight of an empty container)The noun "tear" is a heterophone (teer), for a drop of liquid from the eye.So:Tear as in teardrops and tear as in tear apart, are spelled the same, but pronounced differently.Tear as in drops is a noun (teer).Tear as in apart is a verb (tayr).

How do you spell tear as in cry?

tear. you just spelled it.

What are the differences between fin rot and fin tear in fish, and how can they be distinguished from each other?

Fin rot and fin tear are both common conditions in fish that affect their fins. Fin rot is a bacterial infection that causes the fins to appear ragged, discolored, and deteriorated. On the other hand, fin tear is a physical injury that results in a clean, straight tear in the fin tissue. To distinguish between the two, look for signs of infection such as redness, inflammation, and a fuzzy appearance in fin rot. In contrast, fin tear will have a clear, distinct tear in the fin without any signs of infection. Additionally, fin rot is usually accompanied by other symptoms like lethargy and loss of appetite, while fin tear is typically a result of physical trauma.

What is the future tense of tear?

Will tear.