

What is a strait angle?

Updated: 10/19/2022
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15y ago

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=Strait Angle- An Angle that measures exactly 180* Degrees.=<---------------o--------------->

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Q: What is a strait angle?
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How many degrees are in a strait angle?

180 degrees

Is there such thing as a strait angle?

I think you meant straight angle.Yes, there is, and (not surprisingly) a straight line with an angle of 180o

Is a strait angle obtuse?

An angle, x, is defined as obtuse iff 90&deg;&lt;x&lt;180&deg; Therefore a 'straight' angle (180&deg;) is not obtuse.

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strait of Gibraltar

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Yes, it does. I never use more then about a 10 degree offset

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there's the sierra strait, the sally strait and the smith strait.

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