A sum is an answer to an addition problem and a product is an answer to a multiplication problem
It depends on the product of sum of what.
The product is 1254. The sum is 79.
Product = 35 Sum = 12
A single number cannot have a sum or a product - a sum or product is used to compare two or more numbers.
No - a product is the result of a multiplication sum. 5 + 9 = 14 is a sum, not a product.
It depends on the product of sum of what.
The product is 1254. The sum is 79.
NO!!! Product means Mu;ltiply Sum means Addition (Add).
Product = 35 Sum = 12
Two numbers have a product of 80 their sum is 24?
A product is an answer to a multiplication sum. Since there is no sum in this question, there is no product to be obtained.
the sum is -b/a and the product is c/a
A single number cannot have a sum or a product - a sum or product is used to compare two or more numbers.
No - a product is the result of a multiplication sum. 5 + 9 = 14 is a sum, not a product.
The sum equals the product.
4 and 5 have the sum of 9 and the product of 20.
There's no product or sum until you have at least two numbers.