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Q: What is a symmetrical arrangement of five objects called?
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What is a group of five objects one at each corner and one in the centre called?


If a shape is a regular pentagon with five sides what must be true?

It has reflectional symmetry It has five lines of symmetry It is symmetrical

What does the term Corr mean exactly?

The meaning of the term "Corr" is, as with so many words, dependent on the context in which it is used. It may refer to a rock band named Corr, to a culinary stew, or to an arrangement of five objects.

Why isn't two plus two five?

To get to five, there must be more than two objects. However, there are only two objects being added to two other objects. That answer is four, not five.

Why are echinoderms thought to have evolved from bilaterally symmetrical ancestors?

Echinoderms are thought to have evolved from bilaterally symmetrical ancestors because their larval forms exhibit bilateral symmetry. Over time, echinoderms undergo a process called pentaradial symmetry, where they develop a five-point radial symmetry characteristic of adult echinoderms. This suggests a modification from bilateral to radial symmetry during evolution.

How many forest objects do you have to place in safari zone to get a Roselia?

You have to place twenty-five objects.

What are the five objects on Mythology Island?

in mamiami iuhghhgg

What is the requirement of three phase to five phase transformation?

If you want a five-phase supply you need to start with a three-phase supply and a transformer that has 15 symmetrical cores. But why would one need a five-phase supply . . three is enough.

An arrangement for five performers is called what?

A quintet. This is part of a musical numerical series: solo, duet, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, nonet, decet, and so on (larger numbers are very rare).

What is the northern cross?

The Northern Cross is an asterism made up of the brightest stars in the constellation Cygnus, the Swan. It is formed by the intersecting lines of stars that resemble a cross shape in the night sky. The Northern Cross is a prominent feature in the summer sky in the northern hemisphere.

What do you call a noun that can be perceived by one or more of the five senses?

A noun that can be perceived by one or more of the five senses is called a concrete noun. Concrete nouns refer to tangible objects that can be seen, heard, touched, tasted, or smelled.

What is 5 yards?

Five yards is roughly 15 feet. Quite a few objects are at least five yards long.