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Q: What is a synonym for opposite in a math term?
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What is a synonym for the mathematical term mean?


What is opposite of a variable?

A Real Number. This is a term in math.

Is there a synonym for pruduct in math?

A product in math is the answer achieved when multiplying. It is the only term necessary so as not to confuse one.

What is the other term of nice?

a synonym would be courteous. the opposite would be mean.

What is antonym for synonym?

An antonym means "opposite". So an antonym for the word synonym is antonym.

What are synonyms of points in the math term?

There is no synonym. Mathematics uses very specific words for fundamental terms.

What a synonyms inverse?

I assume you mean the opposite of a synonym. The opposite of a synonym is an antonym.

What is a synonym for antonym?


What is the opposite of an antonym?

The opposite of an antonym is a synonym.

What is the synonym for opposition?


What is the opposite of dilation in math?

The opposite of dilation in math is contraction

Is a antonym a opposite?

Yes, an antonym is and opposite and a synonym is the same.