

What is a term for decompser?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: What is a term for decompser?
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Is a Barracuda an decompser?

its a mamal go somewhere else

Is a buzzard a a decompser?

i dont know that is why im askig you

Is a heron a consumer producer or decomposer?

it is a decompser

Is a white tailed deer a scavasnger or decompser?

A white tailed deer is a herbivore.

Is a zebra a decompser?

NO decomposers are bacteria, worms, fungi, the organisms that work in a composting bin

What is another type of decompser?

Another type of decomposer is a fungi. Fungi break down organic matter like dead plants and animals by secreting enzymes that digest the material externally and then absorbing the nutrients. They play a crucial role in recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem.

Is a pigeon a producer consumer or decomposer?

Its A consumer because it can't make its own food and it's an animal yes or no

What is a decompser in the arctic?

In the Arctic, decomposers are organisms like bacteria and fungi that break down dead plants and animals into simpler substances. These decomposers play a crucial role in recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem, helping sustain the web of life in this harsh environment.

Is an aquatic insect a producer?

no, it is a consumer (most likely primary). an example of a producer is grass, flowers, so pretty much all plants.

Where does a decompser get its energy from?

A decomposer gets its energy from breaking down organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, into simpler molecules through the process of decomposition. This releases the stored energy in the organic matter, which the decomposer uses to carry out its life functions.

Is coral a decompser?

No, coral is not a decomposer. Coral is a marine invertebrate that forms colonies and plays a vital role in providing habitats for many other marine organisms. Decomposers are organisms that break down dead organic matter.

Is the aquatic snail a produce consumer or decomposer?

the aquatic snail is a decompser because it gets its food by down wastes and dead organisms.