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Q: What is a trailing edge on a plane?
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Where is the leading and trailing edge on a plane rudder?

When you look at a plane side-on. The left-most edge of the rudder attached to the fuselage is the leading edge whilst the right-most edge of the rudder is it's trailing edge.

What is the definition of trailing edge?

Trailing edge is the rear edge of a wing.

What is the Importance of leading edge and trailing edge in radar pulse?

The leading edge of a radar pulse determines range accuracy. The trailing edge, along with pulse width, determines minimum range.

Prior to towing ramps may be installed on which edge?

Trailing edge

ALLERON Where is IT on an airplane?

The trailing edge of a wing

Is trailing an adjective?

It can be (trailing edge, trailing veil). It is the past tense and past participle of the verb (to trail, meaning to stream or follow behind).

What is TE MAC in weight and balance?

The term TE MAC stands for Trailing Edge Mean Aerodynamic Chord. It is the average distance between the leading and trailing edge of an aircraft's wing, taken at the trailing edge of the wing. This measurement is important for calculating the aircraft's balance and stability.

What are the differences between leading edge and trailing edge in terms of aerodynamics and how do they affect the performance of an aircraft?

The leading edge of an aircraft wing is the front edge, while the trailing edge is the back edge. The leading edge affects the flow of air over the wing, creating lift. The trailing edge helps control the airflow and affects the aircraft's stability and maneuverability. Differences in the design of these edges can impact an aircraft's performance, such as its lift, drag, and overall efficiency.

What is trailing edge?

A Craft Edge of a Wing. Air however passes over this portion of airfoil

What is a trailing edge?

A Craft Edge of a Wing. Air however passes over this portion of airfoil

Which part of the wing is known as flaps?

The trailing edge of the wing is the part that is referred to as the flaps.

Why the trailing edges of control surfaces are sharper than the leading edges?

The trailing edge is where the air flow comes together. The leading edge is where the air is diverted to produce the low pressure (top) and high pressure (bottom) to create lift.