What does Travoise look like
Similarity isreflexive: x is similar to xsymmetric: if x is similar to y then y is similar to x.transitive: if x is similar to y and y is similar to z then x is similar to z.
You have to think that if two are similar, the other must also be similar in order for it to be similar
All congruent shapes are similar, but not all similar shapes are congruent.
Similar with an object would be a side by side search for matching characteristics of objects, comparable. Similar to would be an overall sameness.
The Siksika put their belonging on the travois and the dogs dragged it.So the Travois is really important to the Siksika.
I love eating travois food!!!
how did the Crow indians make a travois
The Travois could be loaded and then pulled by a dog or horse.
Usually the Plains Indians would use the travois...it is also used as a pole for their teepees.
A transport
a travois is a mode of transportatin for heavy loadsmade of 2 sticks and sinew/pulled buy dogs
It's pronounced "tra - VWAH" It is French in origin, hence the pronunciation!