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Q: What is a triangle that has dashes on both sides?
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What do 2 dashes on a triangle mean?

Having two dashes on a triangle is common notation in arithmetic, specifically geometry. Two dashes mean that there is one dash each on two different lines of the triangle, and this indicates that the two lines are of equal length. This also means that the triangle is an isosceles triangle.

Who has more sides a right triangle or equilateral?

right triangle and equilateral triangle both have 3 sides

Can a triangle be both scalene and isosceles?

no. an isosceles triangle has two congruent sides and a scalene triangle sides are all different

What is the difference about an isosceles triangle and a equilateral triangle?

Both of them have 3 sides but an isosceles triangle has only 2 equal sides whereas an equilateral triangle has 3 equal sides.

How are a triangle and square alike?

they both have sides and corners. they both have sides and corners.

Is a rhomus a triangle?

No because a rhombus has 4 sides whereas a triangle has 3 sides but they are both polygons.

Is a triangle parallelogram?

No, because a triangle has no parallel sides.

Is triangle a A parallelogram?

No because a triangle has 3 sides whereas a parallelogram has 4 sides but they are both types of polygons

How is an equilateral triangle and a scalene triangle the same?

they are both triangles (3 sides)

How are scalene triangle and right triangle alike?

They are both polygons with three sides.

How is a octagon and a triangle the same?

No because an octagon has 8 sides whereas a triangle has only 3 sides but they are both polygons.

Is a rectangle and a triangle similar?

Rectangle has 4 sides, and triangle has 3 sides. So they are similar, they both have sides - one has more than the other :)