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That is simply called a right triangle.

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Q: What is a triangle with a right angle but no congruent sides?
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What type of triangle has 1 right angle and 2 congruent sides?

Isosceles Triangle - 2 congruent sides Equilateral Triangle - all three sides are congruent Scalene triangle - no sides are congruent

What is a triangle with a right angle and two congruent sides?

A right isosceles triangle.

What is a Scalene right triangle?

A scalene right triangle is a triangle that has no congruent sides and and one right angle.

What do the triangles look like and what are the names?

Equilateral triangle = All sides congruent Scalene triangle = No sides congruent Isosceles triangle = At LEAST two sides congruent Right triangle = Triangle with one right angle Obtuse triangle = Triangle with ONE obtuse angle Acute triangle = Triangle with ALL acute angles

How many congruent sides does a right triangle have?

If its in the form of an isosceles right angle triangle then it will have 2 equal sides.

What triangle has one right angle and two congruent sides?

That's an isosceles right triangle.

What is a triangle with no congruent sides and an angle of 90 degrees is?

the triangle is called right handed triangle

What is a triangle having a right angle and no congruent sides?

h nmh

What type of triangle has at least two congruent sides and one right angle?

An isosceles right triangle.Note:If it has a right angle, then it can't possibly have morethan 2 congruent sides.

Classification of triangle?

Classification of triangles according to sides: -Scalene Triangle - a triangle with no 2 congruent sides. -Isosceles Triangle - a triangle with at least 2 congruent sides. -Equilateral Triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent sides. Classification of triangles according to angles: -acute triangle - a triangle with 3 acute angles. -right triangle - a triangle with one right angle. -equiangular triangle - a triangle with 3 congruent angles. -obtuse triangle - a triangle with one obtuse angle.

What is a triangle that has 2 congruent sides and an angle that measures 90 degrees?

That is called a "Right Triangle"

What type of triangle that has at least two congruent sides and one right angle?

right angled isosceles triangle