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Q: What is a triangle with angles 103 20 57?
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Which triangle angle measures 103 and 20 and 57 degrees?

A triangle with angles 103 degree, 20 degree, and 57 degree is called

The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 9 degree more than a base angle find the angles of the triangle in mathimatics?

An isosceles triangle has 2 angles that are equal. All angles to a triangle = 180 degrees so you set it up as a algebra equation as X+X+X+9=180 3X=171 in this X = 57 So 2 angles are 57 and one is 57+9= 66 Sorry about the spelling.

What is the measure of a triangle if one angle measures 57 degrees?

The inner angles of a triangle will always add up to 180. Assuming that this particular triangle is a right triangle (that is, one of it's angles is 90 degrees), you can find the other angle by subtracting the known angles from 180: 180 - 57 - 90 = 33 degrees If the triangle is an equilateral or a scalene triangle, the other angles cannot be calculated without additional information.

In a right triangle there is a 57 degrees angle. What is the measure if the third angle?

Remember in a right angles triangle, the right angle is 90 dgrees. The sum of the three angles in a triangle is 180 degrees. Hence x + 57 + 90 = 180 x + 147 = 180 Subtract 147 from boths sides x = 33 degrees.

What is 103 percent of 57?

103% = 1.03, therefore1.03 X 57 = 58.71

What is 103 take away 46?

103 - 46 = 57

What is the ratio 57 to 20 as a fraction?

The ratio is 57/20 which cannot be simplified.The ratio is 57/20 which cannot be simplified.The ratio is 57/20 which cannot be simplified.The ratio is 57/20 which cannot be simplified.

What is the vertex of a isoscles triangle that is 9 degrees more than the base angle?

The isosceles triangle will have a top angle of 66 degrees and two equal base angles of 57 degrees which all add up to 180 degrees.

If A has a measure of 33 and B has a measure of 57 then the two angles are?

complementary angles

What is 20 of 57?

Twenty %20 of 57 is 11.40. To figure out percentages you need to multiply 57 X .20 and then subtract that total from 57.

What type of triangle has 35 57 90 as its angels?

kinds of triangle as to angels

How much is 20 percent off of 57?

20% off of 57 = 80% of 57 = 57*80/100 = 45.6