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If it is a closed figure which doesn't cross over itself (like a bowtie looking figure), then it is called a polygon.

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Q: What is a two dimensional figure with straight lines?
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What is a close figure two dimensional figure with straight sides?

A sphere

Is a scalene triangle a polygon?

Yes. A polygon is any closed two dimensional figure made of straight lines. It is also a irregular polygon.

What figure has two straight lines and two curved lines?

a cirsquare

What is a figure with two straight and two curved lines?

A cylinder.

What figure is two dimensional and have infinite length?

There are two two-dimensional figure with an infinite length. They are rays, and lines.

What are one-dimensional figure and have infintie length?

Lines! Yes, they are one-dimensional. Points are zero dimensional, planes are two-dimensional, and prisms and such are three dimensional.

The figure formed by two straight lines meeting at a point?

The intersection of two lines is a point. If both lines are straight the figure of four separate triangles are formed. The type of triangles are dependent on the angle of the intersection.

What do we called a figure formed by 2 straight lines?

Perpendicular lines or parallel lines are two examples

What are the propertys for traingles?

Three straight sides Closed figure two dimensional three angles

Is a cylinder considered to be a 3 dimensional figure with 2 parallel bases and not a polygon?

yes - one criterion of a polygon is being made up of only straight lines. polygons are also 2-dimensional. a cylinder is neither of these two things, as it is 3-dimensional (has length, width, and depth) and its two bases are circles, which are curved.

What is a two dimensional closed figure of straight line segments connected to end?

It's an irregular polygon

How are a paralleogram pentagon and a square alike?

They are all polygons: two-dimensional shapes, bounded by straight lines.