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Q: What is a two dimensional graphic representation o a selected part of the earths surface?
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Is it true that maps are three dimensional representations of earths surface?

A map is not a three dimensional representation of earth's surface. The best three dimensional representation of earth's surface is a globe or a topographical map.

What is a two dimensional representation of a three-dimensional land surface?

a geographical map

What is a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional land surface?

A contour map, possibly.

Is it true that maps are three-dimensional representations of earths surface?

No, maps are two-dimensional representations of the Earth's surface. They show the location of features, such as countries, cities, rivers, and mountains, using symbols and colors to represent real-world objects. Three-dimensional representations are more commonly referred to as globes.

What is an orthographic projection plane?

an abstraction of a flat surface whose orientation is defined by eight loudspeakers of a D-8 sound projection system, forming a front border ... :))

What does the globe represents?

A globe is a three-dimensional representation of the Earth's surface (globes can also represent other planets or moons).

What the globe represent?

A globe is a three-dimensional representation of the Earth's surface (globes can also represent other planets or moons).

What is a symbolic representation of all or part of the earths surface on a flat piece of paper?

The two dimensional representation of the Earth's surface on piece of paper is called a map. Maps can show an area in great detail or in very broad outlines.

How is sketching used to help do a 3-D model?

MOOSE says that 3d modeling is based on mathematical representation of any three-dimensional surface of object.

Should the surface area of a box be the same as volume?

no; surface area applies to the square unit of measurement of a 2-dimensional surface, such as one face of a box (length and width). Volume is a 3-dimensional representation that takes the 2-dimensional surface area (length x width) and adds a 3rd dimension in the form of depth, or height. Answers in volume will always be a cubic unit of measure. Summing it up: Surface Area: L x W Cubic Area (Volume): L x W x H

What is a representation of earth surface?

A flat representation of the Earth's surface is called an atlas or a map.

What is the purpose of the European map?

a map is graphic representation, drawn to scale and usually on a flat surface, of features - usually geographic, geologic, or geopolitical - of an area of the Earth or of any celestial body.