It shows you the view of an object above eye level with a perspective as though you were and ant or something else that is small :)
An angle shot is a trick in poker used to gain unfair advantage over another player.
no it is not (unless you find the angle under a curved line)
Ia's an acute angle since any angle under 90 degrees is an acute angle
Acute is an angle under 90o and obtuse is an angle over 90o
An acute angle is under 90 degrees, an obtuse angle is over 90 degrees.
They Have Used Extablishing/Master Shot, Close Up Shot, Mid Angle Shot, Group Shot, High Angle Shot And Low Angle Shot.
An angle shot is a trick in poker used to gain unfair advantage over another player.
Although most shots are not direct hits, there are several terms that can be used. The term "angle shot" refers to anything other than a direct hit. The term "cut shot" refers to an angle shot, but usually is used when the angle is 45 degrees or more. The term "kiss shot" is used to refer to an angle shot involving more than one ball, while a "kiss" is an extreme cut shot with the cue ball hitting the object ball at close to a 90 degree angle.
Mid Angle- A shot showing characters from the waist upwards.This shot allows other characters to be in the view and so allows character interaction.This often makes for more sociable shot
The shot putter should release the shot at a 45 degree angle for it to go the furthest. This angle allows for the optimal balance between vertical and horizontal velocity components, maximizing the distance the shot travels.
any angle under 90 degrees.
An angle shooter is a person who makes an angle shot - a trick in poker used to gain unfair advantage over another player.
The farthest shot is in the corner of the opposite end of the court. The farthest shot on the y plane, if you are wondering, is at 45 degrees
A Dutch Angle is when a camera shot is take while the camera is held at an angle. Rather than vertical lines appearing in parallel to the edges of the picture, they appear at an angle.
He tried to angle his shot, but it fired way wide.That's a tight angle, are you sure you can park there?Look at the angle of the beams - the architecture here is so beautiful.