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Hertz (Hz) is the SI unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second.

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Q: What is a unit of measure for frequency consisting of a wave or cycle per second?
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What is the unit of resonance frequency?

Hertz (Hz)

What is the frequency of a sound a measure of?

The basic unit of a frequency is called Hertz. One Hz is one cycle per second. This applies to frequencies such as sound, radio, and light.

Megahertz and gigahertz are both measure in?

Clock cycles per second. 1 Herts = 1 Cycle per Seconcd

What is the measure of cycles per second in computer processing?

A 'Hertz' is a cycle of once a second. A megaHertz is a million cycles per second.

How do you measure the frequency of a wave in hertz?

The frequency of a wave in hertz (Hz) is measured by counting the number of complete cycles of the wave that pass a fixed point in one second. One hertz represents one cycle per second.

What is the unit to measure frequency of a sound wave?

The unit to measure frequency of a sound wave is Hertz (Hz). It indicates the number of cycles or vibrations per second.

A frequency of one sound wave per second is called?

A frequency of one sound wave per second is called a Hertz (Hz). It is the unit used to measure the frequency of sound waves, where one Hertz represents one cycle per second.

A frequency of one cycle per second in a wave is called one?

A frequency of one cycle per second in a wave is called one Hertz (Hz).

How long is 1 hz?

1 Hz (Hertz) represents one cycle per second. It is a unit of frequency used to measure the number of occurrences of a repeating event in one second.

What Is a measure of how many wavelengths pass a certain point each second.?

The frequency of a wave is a measure of how many wavelengths pass a certain point each second. It is typically measured in hertz (Hz), where one hertz is equivalent to one cycle per second.

What does Hz stand for and what does it measure?

Hertz, a frequency measurement unit equal to one cycle per second.

What does the modern word Hertz mean?

In modern context, Hertz refers to the unit of frequency measurement, equal to one cycle per second. It is commonly used in electronics and telecommunications to measure the frequency of signals.