Feet, inches, and miles are part of the English system of measurement.
a unit of measurement equivalent to - 1.9304 metres
You can use either unit of measurement.
Feet and inches, which is part of the U.S. Customary
There is no such unit of measurement as a "decimal". The unit is therefore equal to itself in the same measurement.
One horse hand is equivalent to 4 inches. It is a unit of measurement commonly used to determine the height of horses.
There are 4 inches in a hand, which is a unit of measurement commonly used in horse height and clothing sizes.
hg is a measurement of Vacuum measured in Inches of Murcury.
Feet, inches, and miles are part of the English system of measurement.
An English unit of linear measurement is the yard. It is equivalent to 3 feet or 36 inches.
a unit is a measurement for distance inches or mm or cm ... depends what the expriment is about
a unit of measurement equivalent to - 1.9304 metres
No, inches and hectograms are not the same. Inches are a unit of measurement for length or distance, while hectograms are a unit of measurement for mass or weight. Inches are commonly used in the imperial system, while hectograms are part of the metric system.
6 inches is a unit of measurement equivalent to 1/2 foot or 15.24 centimeters.