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Q: What is a unit of money add two letters from pail?
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You have a 3 gallon pail and a 7 gallon pail how could you use these pails to put exactly 8 gallons of water in an aquarium?

Easy. Fill the 7gal pail to the full mark (7 Gallons) with water. Then pour, from the 7 gallon pail, water into each of the 3 gallon pail up to the full mark. The remaining water left in the 7 gallon is 1 gallon. Pour this gallon into the aquarium. Fill the 7 gallon pail with water, again to the full mark, and then add to the aquarium. 1 Gallon + 7 Gallons = 8 Gallons.

What letter comes next a d e h i?

The obvious one is "L" as you start with A then add 3 letters = D, then add 1 letter = E, then add 3 letters = H, then add 1 letter = I, then add 3 letters = L.

What state can be changed to another states name by adding two letters?

You can add the letters A and R to Kansas to get Arkansas

How much would it cost to add a GPS tracking unit to my car?

It depends on the model of the GPS unit and the model of the car. You should be able to get a portable GPS unit to add to the car yourself for about $200, or you can have your car dealer add the unit.

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What do you add two letters to to make the word shorter?

it is a word game the word is SHORT then add ER letters at end, to make SHORTER

to get away add 2 letters?


What word becomes shorter the more you add letters to it?

The word is SHORT it was 5 letter you then add ER

What states become another state when you add two letters to the front of it?

Kansas becomes Arkansas by adding two letters

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What are additional questions?

things and letters and numbers you add