

What is a unrelated family?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: What is a unrelated family?
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An unrelated subfamily is the family name that you share owing to related ancestors

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They are your friends and unrelated family.

What do you call a person that you live with?

If you are unrelated then, your roommate. If you are related then your family/immediate family. Hope this helped :)

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Surnames don't have family crests; families have family crests. For any given surname there can be several unrelated families, each with a different crest, and many more unrelated families with no crest at all.

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There are many, many unrelated Johnson families, so there are many, many Johnson family trees.

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A larger social group than a family, containing several unrelated groups of people.

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English and Finnish are unrelated. English belongs to the Indo-European family of languages and Finnish belongs to the Uralic family.

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Yes. It is a different, and unrelated, force.Yes. It is a different, and unrelated, force.Yes. It is a different, and unrelated, force.Yes. It is a different, and unrelated, force.

What is the family tree for the Young family?

This isn't something that can be answered. There are many different, and unrelated, families using the Young surname. Try getting some family background from your parents, then finding out how to research your families history.

Can you show me the Hood family tree?

There is no single Hood family tree because there are many different, unrelated, Hood families. You need to do the research on line, in libraries, and in person with your relatives to create the family tree that is representative of your particular Hood family.

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nil admirari. To be surprised at nothing.

Can you breed a gemsbok with a horse and what will the foal look like if you do?

You could, but no offspring would be had because a gemsbok, being an antelope of the Family Bovidae (related to domestic cattle), and the horse being of the Family Equidae (of horses), are quite unrelated ungulates, and no offspring has ever been naturally created between such distantly or unrelated animals before.