

Best Answer

For carpentry: an "L" shape

For school: a triangle

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Q: What is a usual shape of a set square?
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What is the usual shape of a set square?


What shape has more than one set of parrellel lines?

An Square

What is a 3d shape with 5 faces?

A 3d shape with 5 faces can be a square pyramid

What shape has 1 set of parallel sides and 2 sets of perpendicular sides?


What 4 sided shape has one set of parallel sides?

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How do you get the square of an irregular shape?

A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.A square is not an irregular shape and conversely. So the square of an irregular shape cannot exist.

Is a square a plane shape or a solid shape?

it is a plane shape because you said its a square

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Is a square an 3d shape?

is a square a 3d shape

When was a square invented?

A square is a shape and a shape cannot be invented.

What is the shape of the isolation zone at a hazmat incident?

The shape of the isolation zone is a square.

Is a square a diamond shape?

No, a diamond is not normally cut into a square shape.