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A valerian root is used both topically and ingested as a home remedy for many ailments. Topically the root can reduce irritation and itch. When ingested (mainly by chewing to secrete liquid within) the root will aide in digestion and calm an upset stomach.

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Q: What is a valerian root used for?
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What is valerian used for?

Valerian is a root that is used for relaxation. It can help you sleep or can be used in smaller doses to help relieve anxiety.

What is the herb valerian?

Valerian is an herb or dietary supplement usually sold in the form of capsules. It is extracted from the root of the valerian plant and used as a sleep aid.

What is valerian root powder?

Valerian root powder is derived from the root of the valerian plant. It is commonly used as a natural remedy to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality due to its calming properties. It can be consumed in various forms, such as capsules, teas, or tinctures.

What is valerian root used for?

Valerian root is a sedative herb used for anxiety and certain types of pain, among other things. Do not mix with alcohol. My source for this is 'Prescription for Nutritional Healing' by Phyllis Balch.

Can you take valerian root while taking synthroid?

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Does valerian root help with withdrawals?

Valerian root can help with withdrawal. It calms the central nervous system, relieves anxiety and depression and helps with sleep.

Can you take Paxil and Valerian root? will cause a heart attack!!!

Is it harmful to take valerian root every day?

However, not all studies have shown valerian to be effective, and there may be some dangers.

Libido vitamins or herbal remedies?

There are a number of roots and herbs used to boost libido, including: Red Rasberry leaf Damiana leaf Valerian root Ginger root Black cohosh root

Does herb tea made with Valerian relax you?

Yes. Valerian tea is a herb tea made with valerian root. It is a relaxing tea. Helps to take the edge off without causing addiction.

Why is it recommended that people with hypoglycemia avoid Valerian Root?

they could die

Can Valerian root cause weight gain?

There is no direct evidence linking Valerian root to weight gain. However, some people may experience increased appetite or changes in eating habits as a side effect of using Valerian root, which could potentially contribute to weight gain. It is important to monitor your dietary choices while taking Valerian root and consult with a healthcare provider if you have concerns about weight gain.