A value that is less than zero.A value that is less than zero.A value that is less than zero.A value that is less than zero.
A positive value is a value that is greater than zero. A negative value is a value that is less than zero.
A fraction with a value of less than zero.
A value that is less than zero.A value that is less than zero.A value that is less than zero.A value that is less than zero.
A positive value is a value that is greater than zero. A negative value is a value that is less than zero.
The absolute value of a number IS its distance from zero: not greater nor less than it.
It is -2, or 2 less than zero.
A fraction with a value of less than zero.
They are equal the zero's do not effect the value of the number
It means a number less than zero.
signed: its value can be less than zero unsigned: its value cannot be less than zero example: 16 bit signed: -32768 .. 32767 16 bit unsigned: 0 .. 65535
It means that the number is zero or more, just not less than zero. "Positive" means more than zero. "Non-negative" means either zero or else more than zero.
No. Probability must be between 0 and 1.