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Q: What is a variable you change that changes the dependent variable?
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What causes change in a dependent variable?

The dependent variable is dependent on the independent variable, so when the independent variable changes, so does the dependent variable.

What is a variable that changes as another variable change?

the dependent variable

Manipulated independent variable?

The manipulated independent variable is the variable that the researcher intentionally changes or controls in an experiment to observe its effect on the dependent variable. This variable is manipulated by the researcher to determine the impact it has on the outcome of the study.

What changes as a result of the independent?

The dependent variable changes as a result of a change in the independent variable. (Hence the name "dependent")

A variable that changes as a result of the other variable?

The dependent variable.

Why does a variable change in a experiment?

The experimenter changes the independent variable. The dependent variable changes as a result.

What changes as a result of a change in thhe independent variable?

Dependent Variable

What variable changes as a result of changing the variable listed in part a?

The dependent variable changes in response to changes in the independent variable. This change in the dependent variable is measured to determine the impact or relationship between the two variables.

Is the independent variable the one that does not change?

No, as the name Variable implies, it can and does change. Since it is 'Independent' its change is not a direct effect of the change of any other Variable. Additionally, the independent variable depends on the dependent variable.

What is a variable that is change in an experiment?

The dependent variable is the variable that can change in an experiment.

What changes in the response to another change?

The dependent variable.

Why does the dependent variable change as the independent variable changes into a linear relationship?

The independent variable is the variable that you change and manipulate in an equation. This causes the dependant variable to change.