

What is a varigated leaf?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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16y ago

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A varigated leaf is a leaf that has more than one color, like green and white. a leaf that has color aside from green

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Q: What is a varigated leaf?
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Varigated is a green leaf with a yellow center.

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A traditional winter holiday flower in bright red, but available varigated or white.

Where do white parts of a variegated leaf get their sugar?

The white parts of a variegated leaf lack chlorophyll, so they cannot produce sugar through photosynthesis. Instead, they rely on the green parts of the leaf to provide them with sugar through a process called translocation. This allows the white parts to still receive the necessary nutrients for survival.

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I thought marbles were made of glass. But try Agate, a silica mineral.

Why did my Philodendron plant go all green?

Because varigated type plants need either cooler or hotter weather to keep their light varigation. So give it a try.

Why is a leaf a leaf?

A leaf is a leaf because it is a flattened, thin plant organ that is typically attached to a stem and functions in photosynthesis and transpiration. Leaves are specialized structures that have evolved to maximize the plant's ability to capture sunlight for energy production.

Is a mulberry leaf a simple or compound leaf?

A mulberry leaf is a simple leaf ::::::

Is neem leaf is compound leaf or simple leaf?

A Neem leaf is a compound leaf a

Is the tea leaf a simple leaf?

No the tea leaf is not a simple leaf because a tea leaf do not look like a simple leaf.

What is the difference in Liriope and Mondo grass?

Liriope can be grown as a border plant - it comes in green & Varigated. Mondo Grass in used more in shade & used as a ground cover & does not grow as tall as Liriope it comes in green.