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The Displacement vector, defines the distance and direction between two positions.

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Q: What is a vector quantity that defines the distance and direction between two positions?
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The straight line distance and direction between two points are together called?

Distance is the scalar quantity which does not have any direction but the displacement is the both the distance and direction. Hence displacement is the vector quantity. So the answer for the above question is DISPLACEMENT

What is the difference between the distance vs displacement?

Shortest distance is called displacement . displacement =average velocity / average time . It is a vector quantity both has magnitude and direction.But,distance is a scalar quantity having only magnitude.

Includes distance and direction of the stopping point from the starting point?

Displacement includes the distance between the starting and ending points and the direction in which you travel.

What is the horizontal distance between called?

It is called the displacement in the horizontal direction.

What is velocity and speed?

Speed is a scaler quantity i.e. it has magnitude only without direction. It can be calculated using the formula : speed = distance/time where distance is the total distance travelled from initial position to final position; time is the total time taken to cover this distance. Velocity is a vector quantity i.e. it has magnitude as well as direction. It can be calculated using the formula : velocity = displacement/time displacement is the distance between final position & initial position; time is the total time taken to cover this displacement. for example: if a body starts from some initial point goes to a certain distance x and returns back to the initial position. So the total distance covered is 2x but displacement is 0 (zero) because initial & final position are same. So its speed is 2x/time while velocity is 0/t = 0(zero)

Related questions

What the vector quantity that defines the distance and direction between two positions?

The vector quantity that defines the distance and direction between two positions is displacement. Displacement is a vector because it has both magnitude (distance) and direction. It is the shortest path between two points in a straight line.

Does displacement have both a magnitude and direction?

Yes, displacement is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude (distance between initial and final positions) and direction (the straight line path between the two positions).

What quantity is displacement?

Displacement is a vector quantity that describes the change in position of an object. It is the shortest distance between the initial and final positions of an object, taking into account the direction of movement.

What is the distance and direction between starting and stopping positions?

The distance and direction between starting and stopping positions is displacement.

What Distance is a vector quantity?

Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the amount of space between two points. It does not have a direction associated with it.

The straight line distance and direction between two points are together called?

Distance is the scalar quantity which does not have any direction but the displacement is the both the distance and direction. Hence displacement is the vector quantity. So the answer for the above question is DISPLACEMENT

The displacement is a straight line from the starting point to the finish in a direction.?

Displacement is the shortest distance between the initial and final positions of an object in a specific direction. It is a vector quantity that includes magnitude and direction and is not affected by the path taken but only the start and end points.

Is distance a vector quantity?

Distance is a scalar quantity that only describes the magnitude of the separation between two points in space. It does not have a direction associated with it, unlike vector quantities such as displacement.

What is the difference between scalars and vectors using displacement and distance?

Displacement is a vector quantity that represents the change in position of an object in a specific direction, including magnitude and direction. Distance is a scalar quantity that represents the length of the path traveled by an object, regardless of direction. Scalars only have magnitude, while vectors have both magnitude and direction.

What is a change in position with respect to a reference point is called?

A change in position with respect to a reference point is called displacement. It is a vector quantity that represents the straight-line distance and direction between the initial and final positions of an object.

Differences between distance and displacement?

Distance is the length of the path traveled by an object, while displacement is the distance between an object's initial and final positions, measured in a straight line. Distance is a scalar quantity, while displacement is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude and direction.

Why doesn't distance have direction?

Distance is a scalar quantity that only measures the magnitude of separation between two points, irrespective of the path taken. It does not take into account the direction of movement. Direction is a vector quantity that indicates the way in which one point is oriented relative to another.