A vertical feeding pattern is when a person or animal eats while sitting up. The term is sometimes used in association with infants that have reflux. The mother will be taught to nurse with the infant in a sitting position to help the milk stay in the baby's stomach.
Is a way an animal avoid competition.
There is no such thing as exactly vertical because either it is vertical or it is not. You cannot have approximately vertical - it is not vertical, then. Vertical means at 90 degrees to the horizon (or horizontal).
by moving vertical
vertical is from side to side
Is a way an animal avoid competition.
a convection cell
A vertical looping pattern of airflow is called a vortex. Vortexes can form in fluids or gases and are characterized by rotating motion around an imaginary axis.
there are three sections of the leaf, each section has on vertical line on it. horizontal lines come out of the vertical line. The answer is palmate.
a weaving pattern
J. Mcdonald has written: 'Diel vertical movements and feeding habits of underyearling sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), at Babine Lake, B.C' -- subject(s): Fishes, Sockeye salmon, Behavior, Feeding and feeds
perpendicular lines
Silkworms are not nocturnal but are active during the day and night. They typically follow a feeding and resting pattern throughout the day, with increased activity during feeding times.
Molars help cattle chew their feed or fodder.
Vertical. Vertical. Vertical. Vertical.
By definition, an isotropic radiator radiates equally well in all directions. A simple vertical whip would have such a pattern in the horizontal field.