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Q: What is a visual verbal or mathematical explanation that is supported by data?
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A visual verbal or mathematical explanation that is supported by data is called?

A visual verbal or mathematical explanation that is supported by data is called a graphic representation or visualization. It is used to help interpret and understand complex information or relationships.

What is a visual verbal or mathematical explanation of how things occur?


What is a visual verbal and mathematical explanation of data collected from many experiments called?


What are the differences between theory and model?

Theory: an explanation of an event that has been supported by consistent, repeated experimental results and has therefore been accepted by most scientists. Model: A verbal, mathematical, or visual representation of a scientific structure or process, which allows scientists to construct and test inferences and theories.

Difference between model and theory?

Theory: an explanation of an event that has been supported by consistent, repeated experimental results and has therefore been accepted by most scientists. Model: A verbal, mathematical, or visual representation of a scientific structure or process, which allows scientists to construct and test inferences and theories.

What is the difference between model and theory?

A model is a simplified representation of a system or phenomenon used to make predictions or test hypotheses. A theory is a broad explanation of natural phenomena that is supported by a large body of evidence and has predictive power. In essence, a model is a specific application of a theory to a particular situation.

What is the diference between model and theory?

A model is a simplified representation of a system or phenomenon used for analysis, prediction, or explanation. A theory is a well-tested explanation that organizes a wide range of observations and experiments, often used to understand a particular aspect of the natural world. Essentially, a theory represents a broader set of principles and laws that explain a particular phenomenon, while a model is a specific representation used for practical purposes.

Is music a visual or verbal feature in film?

neither, music is in the Audio feature of a movie. remember that each movie has 3 part: verbal, visual and audio

What are the four types of communication?

Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication,Written Communication and Visual communication

What are the 8 intelligences?

Howard Garner believed there are multiple intelligences, and theorized there are eight abilities to meet the criteria: musical–rhythmic, visual–spatial, verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic.

What are the advantages of verbal guidance in sport?

ØGood to explain a skill or action that is hard to demonstrate. ØGood for drawing attention to important elements of a movement ØCan accompany visual guidance, when there needs to be explanations as well as demonstrations ØWith more advanced learners, moves need to have a deeper explanation which you can achieve with verbal guidance

Kinds of Mass Communication?

There are three kinds of mass communication. 1)verbal 2)non-verbal 3)visual