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If you are talking about the binary code then confusing unless you know how to read it properly.

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Q: What is a way to describe the world with numbers called?
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What is a way to describe the world with numbers?

a way to describe the world in numbers is measurement...

Is the way to describe the world with numbers?

It's one way to describe the world. Artists have another. Writers have another.

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I would describe it as beautifully.

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It is called the abscissa.

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I'm not aware of a way to compare two numbers by multiplication.

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Why are imaginary numbers used in electronic systems control systems and physics?

Mathematics is beautiful in itself. Back in the 1700s and later, mathematicians studied "imaginary" numbers (numbers that involve a factor of the square root of -1) knowing that they didn't describe anything "real", the way "real numbers" do. But when beauty can be melded to practicality, things get REALLY interesting. It turns out that you can use imaginary numbers and "complex numbers" (which have a "real" component and an "imaginary" component) to describe the way radiation and electromagnetic fields behave.