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Q: What is a weapon with both sides sharp?
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What is a weapon with a long blade that is sharp on both edges?

The answer is [Militarya] weapon---------

What is a weapon with long blades that are sharp on both sides?

Many troops in the US Civil War, had bayonets attached to the end of their muskets or rifles. This was a two edged sword of sorts that could be used during battles where soldiers were in close contact with each other. The Bayonet, created first in France, remained a weapon for decades after the US Civil War.

Weapon of lord shiva?

The weapon of Lord Shiva is called as Trishul.It is long and has three sharp edges.

What are 3 words describing a sword?

sharp, weapon, useful

Weapon with long shaft and sharp head?


An axe is an example of a?

wedge, weapon, sharp object, etc..

What does the turtle use for a weapon?

It's sharp beak-like mouth

How sharp is a bulls horn?

A bull's horn is incredibly sharp, as it is composed of dense and compacted keratin fibers. They are used to defend against predators and rival bulls, making them extremely dangerous when thrust with force. It is advised to keep a safe distance from a bull to avoid potential injury from its horns.

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A solid with flat sides that meet at sharp edges and corners is called?

a solid with flat sides meet at sharp edges and corners is called crystal structure

How do the white rhinos horns help them?

The horn is a weapon; it has a sharp point and can be used to stab.

Wife cheats then husband take revenge?

If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.If that occurs, then both sides lose.